
Even though I am usually not all that sentimental, expecting a baby is such a special time. I really wanted us to have beautiful photos from that period in our life, my friend and lifestyle photographer Ksenia Koldaeva did a great job capturing moments of Derek and I enjoying the time together not too long before our baby arrived.

The more I look at the pictures, the more I am in love with them. I am so happy that we did this shoot, we will always be able to look back and remember that time, and how great that our son will be able to see us as we were when expecting him: so happy, so excited, so in love.

Family Shoot (12)

I would like to share these sweet photos with you, and please make sure to check out Ksenia’s website for more beauty and inspiration.

Read More A Time To Remember



It’s here! After years of talking about it, my blog is finally here! I cannot tell you how excited I am for this! It is still work in progress and it will definitely take some time for this project to mature (and we all know there is no limit to perfection) but one of the things that I finally realized is that it’s now or never.

I kept procrastinating, finding a million excuses to why it’s not ready yet but the truth is there is no such thing as perfect time. A part of me still protests as I type this but it is what it is. How many times have you wanted to do something but doubts, fear or laziness would tell you it’s not the time, let’s wait till next Monday and then suddenly it’s next Wednesday and nothing have changed? Well, it happened way too many times to me and I am ready to take the next step.

Read More Now or Never + Things I Learned About Starting Anything New
