Immunity Juice with Seasonal Twist


Now that the sniffles season is  here I thought I would share with you one of my favorite seasonal juices. First of all, it’s packed with vitamins that will help to give your immune system a good boost. Secondly, it tastes so good! And third, look at all these colors! That alone will give you a kick of energy.

Seasonal-Juice (1)

Seasonal-Juice (3)

Seasonal-Juice (11)

So here is what you would need (makes about 32 fl.oz.):

– 4 medium carrots

– 3 oranges

– 2 grapefruits

– 1 pomegranate

– 1 inch ginger root

– 1/2 inch lemon round

– Cinnamon (optional)

In this juice that special seasonal ingredient is pomegranate. I love it for its bright color, delicious juicy seeds and amazing health benefits it provides, it’s full of vitamins and antioxidants, it’s good for your blood, and more.

I am using my good old masticating juicer Omega VRT350 which is awesome because it works slow which in this case is a benefit. Due to the low processing speed it keeps the juice from heating and therefore protects and maintains healthy enzymes and prevents oxidation. I’ve been using this juicer for over 2 years sometimes on a daily basis for months and it’s still going strong, love it!

Let me know if you like juicing and what are your favorite recipes!

Behind the scenes:)

Seasonal-Juice (4)

Seasonal-Juice (5)

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